Does Hand Tattoos Hurt?

Tattooing is the use of needles to pierce the skin, no matter where it is tattooed, it will cause pain, and tattooing on the hand is no exception.

Generally speaking, the pain in the part of the body with more flesh will be weaker, but if it is a place where the bones are protruding and there are few muscles, the pain will be stronger when tattooing, and the hand is exactly such a place, so the tattoo on the hand is more painful than other places.

Tattoos, also commonly known as tattoos, are needles with ink inserted into the bottom layer of the skin to create some patterns or words on it. In today’s society, many young people have a soft spot for tattoos and always think it’s cool. And all parts of the body can be tattooed, including the hands, of course. So does hand tattoo hurt?

Does the tattoo hurt on the hand?  

The tattoo is pierced into the skin with a needle with ink, and there will be pain no matter where the tattoo is made, but the severity of the pain is not the same in different parts.

Generally speaking, where there is more meat, the weaker the pain will be when tattooing, while where the bones are prominent, there are fewer muscles, and there are more nerves, the pain will be stronger when tattooing. The muscles on the hands are relatively few, and the bones are prominent, so the tattoo hurts more than most other places.  

The harm of tattoo tattoos on the hands 

Skin allergies  

Many of the pigments used in tattoos are chemicals, and these chemicals entering the human body through the skin on the hands may cause inflammation and allergies, which in turn will lead to local skin itching and pain, as well as burning and numbness, and in severe cases, cell mutations.

Bacterial infection  

Tattooing is actually a needle tip on the skin, and if you tattoo on the hand, it will cause harm to the skin cells and nerve cells of the hands. The skin is the body’s first line of defense, protecting against external mechanical, physical and chemical stimuli. If you get a tattoo on your hand, the resistance of the skin of your hand will be reduced, which can easily lead to bacterial infection.  

Skin cancer  

The pigments used in tattoos are also heavy metals such as lead and chromium, which are potentially harmful to the human body, and if you always get tattooed frequently, you will often leave a lot of toxins on the skin of the body, thereby inducing skin cancer. 

To sum up, tattoos are painful, especially for people with sensitive physiques, try to avoid tattoos on the hands. You should also pay attention on hand tattoo aftercare.

If there is a need for tattoos, it is also necessary to choose a formal beauty institution to avoid a series of skin diseases and infectious diseases due to improper operation or incomplete disinfection of the instruments, to help hand tattoo healing better.

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